Reactivate team welcome urban strategist, planner and place maker, Nicole Dennis!

The Reactivate team will be joined by experienced urban strategist, consultation expert, planner and placemaker, Nicole Dennis. Nicole specialises in solving complex planning, design, resilience and strategic issues. With over 15 years of experience, her stakeholder engagement, communication and collaboration skills combined with her thorough assessment approach ensures that her strategies and plans deliver resilient outcomes for people and place. 

She is a skilled facilitator and builds relationships to bring a community together towards a shared goal through an asset based, co-design process. This has been invaluable in managing multiple projects with complex community and stakeholder relationships and the need for detailed analysis to understand competing risks, issues, social, cultural and place based considerations to ensure authentic placemaking.

Nicole’s more recent experience has involved working with regional communities across NSW to assist them respond to the increased threat of disaster and change through community led resilience planning and research. 

Nicole also works with the arts sector to broker meaningful arts partnerships and activations that are often co-created with communities to enhance connection to place and the creation of engaging and meaningful place experiences. 

Nicole has completed training and is a member of the International Institute of Public Participation (iap2). She is experienced in designing and delivering engagement tools both in person and online. Join us in welcoming Nicole to the team!