Project Type: Community Development

Year: 2018 - 2020

Client: Greenland + GH Australia

We were appointed by the joint venture parties to manage a range of community engagement initiatives including establishing its initial Construction Liaison Committee that is still in operation today, setting a benchmark for long term urban renewal projects in the City of Sydney.

Our role was to develop and implement a community engagement strategy for the Park Sydney Stage 2 development. This involved establishing a Construction Liaison Committee (CLC) with local residents and businesses to facilitate two-way communication during construction. We proposed an ongoing CLC with quarterly meetings over 2 years, as well as additional engagement activities like newsletters, website updates, and construction site visits.

Our approach aligns with the IAP2 Spectrum of Engagement, focusing on consulting and involving the community throughout the process. Key focus areas for the CLC were identified as construction impacts, public domain works, and community initiatives. Our experience delivering community engagement for major developments like Central Park ensured we could develop a robust process to minimize disruption and keep the community informed. The CLC we established for Park Sydney set a new standard for community involvement in long-term urban renewal projects in Sydney.

A key part of our strategy was bringing together representatives from different parts of the community to build understanding and forge bonds. By providing a forum for open dialogue between residents, businesses, the developer, and contractors, we helped foster greater community cohesion and unity.