Project type: Engagement and facilitation
Client: Night Time Industries Association (Australia)
Year: 2021
We had a blast last week facilitating the Night Time Industries Association (Australia) Recovery Brunch, held in partnership with the The Sydney Fringe and the City of Sydney at The Famous Spiegeltent in The Rocks, home of Bernie Dieter's Club Kabarett pop-up. It’s awesome to be facilitating in-person again after 2 years between drinks!
Over 80 arts, culture, property, government and hospitality sector heavy hitters put their heads together to map out the top initiatives needed to help our culture and hospitality industries recover from the devastating effects of the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and years of structural challenges prior to that.
We heard from Justine Baker, Chair of the NTIA, Kerri Glasscock CEO of Sydney Fringe and NTIA Vice Chair and John Wardle from the Live Music Office about the current state of affairs, the need to develop real world solutions that shape our night time, the unprecedented support from the government and legislative tools that will help the ‘great re-build’ of our generation.
7 teams of 10 mapped out big, brash, and bold ideas that challenged the status-quo and some key outtakes were:
- We have a once a lifetime opportunity to make tangible change and the time is now
- The need for more cultural infrastructure
- Keeping our cities safe and accessible for all generations
- Promoting connectivity, inclusiveness, and diverse night-time experiences
-Bringing the next generation along for the ride
- Instilling confidence in both consumers and industry
- Getting the word out there more effectively
Keep an eye out on an upcoming report into the NTIA’s action plan for 2022 and results from the workshop.